I thought I was the only one who didn’t have a solid grasp about this eigen-stuff. After asking a little around, I quickly figured I wasn’t alone 😅. I’ve heard things like “they should be orthogonal”, “they are the major axis of the transformation”, or more wrong things. So, let’s figure together what it is all about.

First, since I don’t speak German, I think I should use the terms auto-value and auto-vector. Secondly, since there is no such a thing as auto-vector, we should really talk about auto-direction instead.

An auto-direction (or eigendirection) is a direction that does not change when we apply a given linear transformation. Vectors laying on such direction will (at most) change their magnitude by the corresponding auto-value (eigenvalue) scalar constant.

In the interactive demo below, choose two auto-directions by clicking on two (possibly consecutive) red dots. Drag around the chosen eigenvectors to generate arbitrary linear transformations, mapping blue points to red points. Notice how the eigenvectors will solely move along their auto-direction, effectively changing only their magnitude.

As you can clearly tell, eigenvectors don’t need to be orthogonal, nor are necessarily the axis of the red ellipse.

Some maths and code

We said that an eigenvector $\bm{v} \in \R^n$ will stay on the line $\lambda \bm{v}$, $\lambda \in \R$, after we’ve applied the linear transformation $\bm{A} \in \R^{n \times n}$:

\[\bm{A} \bm{v} = \lambda \bm{v}.\]

When you select the two e’vectors, in the demo above, I set their e’values to $1$. Then, as you drag any of them, I’ll set the corresponding e’value to $(\bm{m} - \bm{c})^\top \bm{v} / \Vert \bm{v} \Vert^2$, where $\bm{m}$ is the mouse pointer’s cooridate and $\bm{c}$ and centre’s coordinate. In this way, when the mouse is hovering exactly on top of $\bm{v}$ we have that the e’value is set to $1$.

function mouseDragged() {
  for (let i = 0; i < 2; i++)  // Check both e'vectors
    if (locked[i]) {           // If I'm clicking on it
      // Compute the corresponding e'value
      d = ((mouseX - cx) * V[clicked[i]][0] +
           (mouseY - cy) * V[clicked[i]][1]) / norm ** 2
      e_values[i] = d          // Set the e'value

Now, at every refresh of the screen, I’m computing the linear transformation $\bm{A}$ that has the e’vectors $\bm{u}, \bm{v}$ with e’values $\mu, \lambda$. So, we have that:

\[\begin{cases} \bm{Au} = \mu\bm{u} \\ \bm{Av} = \lambda\bm{v} \end{cases},\]

or, with a more compact notation,

\[\bm{AV} = \bm{V\!\Lambda}, \quad \bm{V} \doteq [\bm{u}, \bm{v}], \; \bm{\Lambda} \doteq \text{diag}(\mu, \lambda).\]

Okay, let me unpack that a little.
On the left of the $=$ we have the horizontal stack of the two eigenvectors $\bm{u}$ and $\bm{v}$, which I call $\bm{V}$. On the right hand side of the $=$ the two e’vectors need to be multiplied by the corresponding e’value. When we multiply a matrix by a 1-hot vector we simply select a given column; so we can just set the non-zero element to be the scalar value we need. If this sounds magical, than you can review this video for a quick explanation.

Finally, we can get our transformation matrix $\bm{A}$ by right-multiplying by $\bm{V}$-inverse: $\bm{A} = \bm{V\!\Lambda V^{-1}}$.

We said that $\bm{V} = \big[ \bm{u}, \bm{v} \big] = \big[ {u_1 \atop u_2}{v_1 \atop v_2} \big]$, therefore $\bm{V}^{-1} = \frac{1}{\vert\bm{V}\vert} \big[ {\;\;\,v_2 \atop -u_2}{-v_1 \atop \;\;\,u_1} \big]$, where the determinant of $\bm{V}$ is $\vert\bm{V}\vert = u_1v_2 - v_1u_2$. So, now it boils down to a few multiplications and additions.

function update_matrix(){
  let u1, u2, v1, v2, l1, l2
  u1 = V[clicked[0]][0]
  u2 = V[clicked[0]][1]
  v1 = V[clicked[1]][0]
  v2 = V[clicked[1]][1]
  l1 = e_values[0]       // μ
  l2 = e_values[1]       // λ

  let d = u1*v2 - u2*v1  // |A|, A's determinant
  A[0][0] = (v2*l1*u1 - u2*l2*v1) / d
  A[0][1] = (u1*l2*v1 - v1*l1*u1) / d
  A[1][0] = (v2*l1*u2 - u2*l2*v2) / d
  A[1][1] = (u1*l2*v2 - v1*l1*u2) / d

There’s more code, but I don’t think it’s too relevant. Anyhow, feel free to have a look, if you’re curious. Keep in mind this is the first time I’m writing any JavaScript, so things may not be done “the proper way”. Also, I’m thinking whether to have a comment section below or not. I can connect the GitHub Discussion page here, or simply provide a link, so it does not clutter everything.

How to cite this blog

  author = {Alfredo Canziani},
  title = {Eigen-stuff},
  howpublished = {\url{https://atcold.github.io/2021/08/23/eigen-stuff}},
  note = {Translation. Accessed: <date>},
  year = {2021}